Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hello All,

I have been missing in action I know, but I am back! I will keep this short because I have had some issues with my eyes (pink eye) which has made it a little difficult to be at a computer reading and writing.  This  infection has however made me have to think about how I will sabotage myself when I see the beginnings of some real changes in my life.  I do it all the time and this time I created an issue with my eyes so as to prevent me from being able to do that thing which I have committed to.

Isn't that often the case when we commit to life changes that something or other presents itself as a road block?  I find it so in my life all the time; except that I have come to the understanding that the something or other is me! I believe that it is me who creates the circumstances of my life with my thinking.  I can, if I am willing to be honest look at my life and compare its current state with my thoughts and see a direct correlation between the two.  This may seem ridiculous to some while others may whole-heartily agree, but I know this to be true for m. I know that the power of life and death is in the tongue and before the words are spoken, they are first thoughts that are eventually made manifest in my life.  So this time my self-sabotaging method was to create a sickness that would directly affect even if only temporarily my ability to read and to write.  Now, for those who don't yet quite understand their own power know that this is quite possible and later I will get into in more detail because in order for us women to heal properly and to take this planet back over, we will need to know and fully embrace this power! But for now, I wanted to get back to my mission before I let to much time pass and I allow myself any excuse to deny success.  I am onto myself and will be diligent about achieving my goals.  So I am asking you women to help hold me accountable by reaching out to me and pulling my coattail if I allow more than a few days to pass without sending out a message.  Thank you all in advance and will be back soon!

Bye for now


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