In the past few days, I have been listening to and really hearing what people are talking about. I’ve paid close attention to the people around me in the baseball bleachers at my sons games, the work lunchroom, on the radio, even on facebook and it is no longer a wonder to me as to why the lives of so many are in such poor condition. I will take it even a step further and say I can see how our country has landed itself in its current financial state, and is all but morally bankrupt. I can see clearly now why the world is the way that it is today, simply by taking the time out to listen and hear people’s conversations.
While listening, what I have heard consistently is people speaking of how bad things are and how tough and rough it is to make it in this world. I hear about how things are not fair and that everyone is out to get them. I have read far too many complaints from the same people over and over on facebook about their woes and ills. I have also taken note to when people are asked how they are, they are quick to run down a list of challenges and wrong doings they are currently suffering from. All of these people as sincere as they are have been unknowingly giving power and momentum to more of the same issues and circumstances in their lives. It is a shame what ignorance can create.
I believe it is indeed ignorance which would allow someone to continue to speak destruction into their lives. So I ask, what are you talking about? Whatever it is you are talking about, I hope you are prepared to deal with the result of your conversation as it will undoubtedly show up as your life. Simply put, what you think and what you say has to at some point materialize in your life. Don’t believe me; take a look at your life! What does it look like? Now, I dare you to take an honest and impartial look at what you’ve been talking about and compare it to the current condition of your life and notice how your thoughts and words align with the picture that is your life.
Many of us do not know just how powerful we really are! The power of life and death is in the tongue is among the most true and impacting statements ever to be spoken. You and you alone have the ability to speak life or death into your life, literally. Therefore, it is imperative for you to take notice of your conversation because your life depends upon it! Let, me add that not only your life but the lives of your families and loved ones depend upon it as well. As women, we are the most creative force on the planet; its survival is literally up to us. So if your life isn’t important enough to monitor your conversation for, perhaps the saving of the entire planet might get you motivated enough to get you to change your words.
Some of you might be saying, “I like my life just as it is.” and I say to you great, then keep on saying what you’ve been saying and now assist your sisters with having a different conversation. Be unwilling to further indulge them in conversation that is not beneficial and uplifting to themselves and the world. For those of you who are not satisfied with the current condition of your life, you can change it! You are powerful enough to do it! All it will take is willingness, discipline and a real desire for change.
Why these three attributes of willingness, discipline and desire? It is because they are a part of the winning recipe, each being vital to obtain success. Willingness is necessary first because it signifies that one is ready for change, but because someone wants something does not always mean they know how to achieve or obtain that thing, so willingness is necessary to open the way for direction. This then allows you to be objective and impartial in looking at your life. It is willingness that opens the way to see, hear and know the truth about yourself which will ultimately allow the acceptance and embracing of your power. Discipline is necessary to retrain your mind into to thinking right and more productive thoughts and keeping them there. You have been programmed and conditioned into thinking and speaking the way you do and it will take discipline, lots of discipline to correct. The third attribute desire is the biggest one of all, for it is out of your desire for more and better that a new life can begin. Once you can desire things, you can then become focused on those things thereby taking your time and attention away from your current circumstances and the things you do not want in your life. It is important to understand that what you give your time and attention to grows which is why it is ever so important to redirect your thinking and speaking. Now if you will couple your new found desire with faith which is intense concentration on the life you really want while knowing it will happen, then I assure you change is imminent! Mind your words and guard your thoughts as if your life depends upon, because it does!
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